Make Safety Part Of Your Daily Routine

The Daily Safety Analysis was developed by the UTCA Safety Committee to help make sure your team takes every precaution, every day. Our simple worksheet can help your crews recognize and avoid potential safety risks by reinforcing awareness and acknowledgement of jobsite hazards.

This daily review of potential dangers including fall exposures, confined space areas, excavation activities, electrical hazards, operation of machines and other common hazards, is not only a valuable tool for your supervisors and foremen, it can also be an asset when training new employees about site-specific safety at an ongoing project.

Although this Analysis does not replace a Project or Job Hazard Analysis, it is a significant value-add for every construction site. The Daily Safety Analysis is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The Daily Safety Analysis is only available to members. Click here to sign-in and download your copy today. Questions? Contact our Safety Director Dan Neville at 732.292.4300 /

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