Recent State Laws

P.L. 2024, CHAPTER 7
Transportation Trust Fund Re-authorization

P.L. 2017, CHAPTER 317
Establishes standardized changed conditions clauses for local public construction contracts

P.L. 2017, CHAPTER 71
Requires local governments & authorities to obtain financing cost estimates from the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust for certain projects

P.L. 2016, CHAPTER 56
Transportation Trust Fund Re-authorization

P.L. 2015, CHAPTER 18
Water Infrastructure Protection Act

P.L. 2014, CHAPTER 52
Limits when bidders can be required to submit a financial statement in order to bid on a local public contract or county college contract.

P.L. 2012, CHAPTER 73
Requires plans, specifications, and bid proposal documents for certain local public contracts to address soil contamination.

P.L. 2010, CHAPTER 108
Establishes acceptable grounds for withdrawal of a bid on public works contract.

P.L. 2009, CHAPTER 292
Provides for base and alternate bids for certain public contracts & requires contracting unit to specify basis for determining lowest responsible bid and criteria for selection of alternate bids.

P.L. 2009, CHAPTER 187
Permits price adjustments in local public contracts for asphalt, cement and fuel.

P.L. 2009, CHAPTER 249
Extends prevailing wage requirements to certain maintenance-related projects.

P.L. 2007, CHAPTER 4
Prohibits bids for local public contracts and public school contracts shall not fall on Monday or the day after a State of Federal holiday.

P.L. 2007, CHAPTER 180
Changes amount retained by contractors on NJ Turnpike projects to 2%.

P.L. 2007, CHAPTER 343
Requires Prevailing Wages & OSHA training on all utility construction projects.

P.L. 2006, CHAPTER 9
Requires bid proposal documents to include traffic safety requirements.

P.L. 2006, CHAPTER 96
Requires interest to be paid to contractors when a payment has not been received within 30 days of the billing date.

P.L. 2005, CHAPTER 22
Changes liability of underground facility operators with respect to certain provisions of the “Underground Facility Protection Act”.

P.L. 2005, CHAPTER 67
Requires Value Engineering clauses in specifications for certain construction contracts under Local Public Contracts Law.

P.L. 2005, CHAPTER 356
Changes amount retained by contractors on NJDOT projects to 2%.

P.L. 2004, CHAPTER 57
Expands state contractor business registration program to local government contracts.

P.L. 2003, CHAPTER 91
Amends the Contractors Registration Act.

P.L. 2003, CHAPTER 136
Exempts rentals between closely related business entities from sales and use tax.

P.L. 2003, CHAPTER 171
Provides for licensing requirements of certain crane operators.

P.L. 2001, CHAPTER 206
Declares “No Damage For Delay” clauses void and unenforceable under Local Public Contracts Law.

P.L. 2001, CHAPTER 202
Allows contractors to collect prejudgment interest on successful claims on State construction projects.

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